I Attended the Session「Why IT engineers should do Muscle Training A Powerful Insight from DevelopersIO 2023 with a Dash of Google Cloud Comparison」

I Attended the Session「Why IT engineers should do Muscle Training A Powerful Insight from DevelopersIO 2023 with a Dash of Google Cloud Comparison」

Clock Icon2023.07.24


Hello again Hemanth of alliance department this time i will be writing about the session "Why IT engineers should do Muscle Training A Powerful Insight from DevelopersIO 2023 with a Dash of Google Cloud Comparison" that took place DevelopersIO 2023.


An Enlightening conversation about the unexpected advantages of strength training was prevalent throughout the session. We'll examine how including muscle training in our lives can increase productivity, sharpen our minds, and promote lifelong health in this blog article, which was motivated by the informative presentation by my dear friend Muroi San, a 90% trainer and 10% engineer. The data and experiences presented here are supported by academic study and real-world wisdom.

The Overview of the Session

Let's begin by quickly summarizing the important points that were discussed during the discussion. The knowledge and love Muroi San has for muscle training provide insightful explanations of why it is so important for engineers like us. In order to successfully utilize the power of muscle training, this program seeks to offer real-world experiences and insights.

What You'll Achieve

Before we continue, let's clarify what we hope to achieve from this blog post. At the conclusion, you'll be prepared to: Boost your output as an IT engineer. Build mental fortitude and improve brain function. gaining knowledge for long-term health and illness prevention

Cognitive Enhancement Through Exercise:

Aerobic exercise has been found to dramatically enhance brain activities that are related to cognition. When aerobic exercise is paired with muscle training, myokines are released that improve brain function even further, including the release of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). Specific brain regions that activate BDNF promote memory, critical thinking, and learning.

Understanding the Relationship Between Muscle and Myokines

Myokines like cathepsin that are secreted by muscles trigger the release of BDNF. This procedure improves mental performance and encourages neuronal development. In order to raise blood levels of BDNF and enhance cognition, high-intensity aerobic activity is especially advised.

The Role of BDNF in Exercise

Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) plays a vital role in: Brain Function Activation improving the cranial nerves preserving and repairing nerves

The Power of Hormones: Serotonin and β-Endorphin

Serotonin, also referred to as the "happiness hormone," is released when you exercise your muscles. Positive effects of serotonin on mood, behavior, and mental health. Similar to this, working out your muscles causes the release of -endorphin, a potent painkiller that lowers pain, stress, and elevates mood. These hormones help with stress management, better sleep, and general well-being.

Long-Term Health Benefits of Strength Training

Muscle building provides important long-term health advantages in addition to mental ones, such as: boosting heart health and lowering risk of heart disease enhancing bone mass and lowering the danger of osteoporosis improving blood flow and raising levels of harmful cholesterol Positive Testimonials and Happy Moments Muroi San offered several amusing anecdotes and playful interactions between coworkers discussing muscle training during the session. Although these are humorous, the underlying message is still strong: muscle building may unite us and promote togetherness.

Embracing a Healthier Future

Let's consider how muscle training can affect our lives now that we have a greater understanding of its advantages. In order to effectively manage our work and well-being, IT engineers must adopt a holistic perspective. We may reach our greatest potential and develop a healthy, balanced lifestyle by including muscle exercise into our routines, as Muroi San said.

Google Cloud and Muscle Training:

Muroi San made an intriguing analogy between Google Cloud and muscular training throughout the session. Utilizing Google Cloud strengthens our organization's infrastructure in the same way that weight training strengthens our muscles. Powerful features provided by Google Cloud, like VPC Service Control, Hierarchical FW, and Rolog Aggregation, are comparable to the limits and guidelines that physical exercise imposes on the body's health.


I hope this blog post, has inspired you to explore the world of muscle training and its immense benefits. As we optimize our productivity, strengthen our minds, and safeguard our long-term health, let's remember to celebrate our journey together, fostering a supportive and vibrant community within the tech world.

To explore further insights and experiences this topic from a different perspective, I highly recommend checking the below blog of my friend and collegue Muroi San. Despite the fact that their blog is in Japanese, the depth and breadth, allowing readers to delve deeper into the topic and benefit from his expertise and experiences.


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